Expecting? Congratulations!
It’s time to take good care of yourself and your baby.

From June 1st, our prenatal classes will be moved to our partner Studio Vandaan.
See more details here.

We understand what you are going through.
Our pre & post natal teachers are professionally trained and very caring.


Pregnancy Yoga 14 weeks+

Learn specific exercises to support your body during pregnancy, birth and beyond. Explore your whole body, with lots of attention for the pelvis, the pelvic floor, back and shoulders. Every class includes breathing and ends with a deep relaxation. These classes combine vinyasa flow, mindfulness, bodywork and will give you insight into your changing body, mind and spirit.

From around 14 weeks of pregnancy until the birth of your baby you can join our pregnancy classes. All Levels welcome.  No previous experience practicing yoga is required. If you have (pregnancy) complaints or injuries you are welcome to join.


Prepare for childbirth together with your partner.

In this workshop you and your birth partner learn how to support your birth. It’s a chance for your partner to get an idea of what you’ve been learning, work movements, birth positions and breath work. You connect to what will be happening anatomically and emotionally during birth. Make space for your baby to be born with ease. This workshop is recommended to attend between 30 and 37 weeks of pregnancy.


Guidelines for Pregnancy and Postnatal Yoga

  • Practicing yoga while pregnant can be great! If you have had a steady practice (2 times a week) over the last 6 months you are welcome to continue your yoga practice if you bear in mind the guidelines below.

    We see many pregnant women coming to Yoga Moves and we are happy to support you and are dedicated to continuing to support your pregnancy and beyond. If you’re pregnant, you should find a qualified instructor (go to our pregnancy classes!) and check with your doctor before jumping into dynamic yoga. Strong forms of physical yoga may not be appropriate when pregnant.

    If you would like some more personal guidance in your pre- or postnatal period, consider booking a private class with our specialized teacher to help you on your way.

    Always inform your teacher (5-10 minutes) before class if you are pregnant or recently gave birth. Please don’t assume we can see it. This allows the teacher to assist and keep an eye on you when necessary.

    Turned away?

    Occasionally a teacher may not feel the class is appropriate for pregnancy, is not trained, or unable to give the attention needed to keep you safe. In this case we may ask you to choose another (more relaxed) class.

    Take a Break?

    In the first 12-13 weeks your baby is just starting to form. You need to be gentle and relaxed and open in your belly. We usually recommend taking a short break from dynamic yoga to allow that process to happen and go to pregnancy yoga classes starting week 14.

    Don’t overheat…take more time to find your stable (wider) foundation

    If you have a strong dynamic yoga background then slow flow classes will be more suitable to give you time to adjust the poses and to make sure you don’t overheat. Iyengar classes can be good with the appropriate adjustments (don’t push). Yin can be okay for some women – however a pregnant woman usually does better with more flowing movements and not staying in a posture for longer than 5 breaths. If you do choose for Yin yoga, give yourself permission to adjust and make small movements.

    Choose a spot near an open window or door

    Your baby has no cooling down system except through you, so make sure you don’t overheat.

    In general: practice more softly and slowly – take breaks when needed.

    • If you ever experience any pain around the pubic bone – in or outside class – then please stop attending regular yoga classes. Pelvic instability can be serious and we don’t want you to hurt yourself. Come to our specific prenatal classes instead where we can help you.

    • If you notice yourself getting out of breath or overheated, please take rest. You will have lots of time to do your strong dynamic yoga practice again after birth. Please, don’t overheat your core temperature.

    • Practice containment. Less is more when it comes to stretching.

    • Deep lunges. The hormones of pregnancy loosen the ligaments and cartilage in the body – especially in the pubic area. This can happen as early as the first trimester. So when you are doing lunges keep the compactness around your pelvis – use your feet to “scrape” the mat together without moving the feet. Widen the stance sideways between the feet and make the distance between front and back foot a little less than you’re used to.

    • Avoid splits and pigeon-pose altogether.

    • We advice not to use any bandhas during pregnancy including the first trimester. Bandhas refers to the lifting of the pelvic floor and the muscles of your lower abdomen during practice. Uddiyana bandha and mooladhara bandha are counterproductive during pregnancy and will not be effective practices to prepare you for the process of birth.

    • Avoid deep twists – especially in the first trimester.

    • Avoid pressure against your abdomen – a prone (face down on floor) position in the first trimester is still fine, afterwards you can try to place a bolster under your hips for a while to modify.

    • Avoid jumping

    • Avoid deep back bends, for example urdhva dhanurasana is too strong and stretches the ligaments of your back too much at a time when they are naturally getting looser, you are risking back-problems after giving birth.

    • Avoid using your abdominal muscles to come from lying to sitting and vice-versa. This also includes leg-lifts. Using your abdominal muscles in this way will weaken them during pregnancy, slowing down recovery after birth.

    • Avoid holding your breath during breathing practices. Babies need oxygen and prana all the time! Avoid the practice of Kapalabhati (fire breathing) or bhastrika.

  • Postnatally it is equally important to take care of your pubic bone, pelvic floor, lower back and abdomen as it was during pregnancy.

    Consider your postnatal period to last up to months for some! Especially if you are breastfeeding your baby – the hormones involved keep the ligaments and cartilage loose. Excessive stretching is counterproductive to creating stability around the pelvis, abdomen and back. For postnatal yoga: slow and steady wins the race. It is much more supportive to strengthen the deeper muscles first to stabilize and strengthen for many years to come.

    Do practice

    • twists

    • chest / shoulder openers

    • bandhas

    Take care with

    Wide stances and deep lunges, splits or pigeons. Go slow and imagine “scraping” your mat together using the strength of your feet without actually moving them, learning to pull your body energy back in and up into the centre. Making your stance a little shorter than you are used to.

    Using your abdominal muscles to come from lying to sitting and vice-versa. This also includes leg-lifts. Only start doing these when your rectus abdominus has been checked by your midwife or in the postnatal class.

    Avoid strong and deep backward bends – for example, urdhva dhanurasana (upward facing bow pose) is too strong and stretches the ligaments of your back too much at a time when they are naturally looser, you are risking back-problems.

    Our postnatal classes we will help you build up strength and give you guidance with your practice.

Find pregnancy classes below

Are you on a waitlist for a pregnancy class you want? Please send an email to be placed on the wait list.


We also offer specific massages for pregnant women at our Fly Studio. We have a special massage table where you can place your belly down and enjoy a great back massage too!

Treat yourself. You are worth it.