Ashtanga Mysore: Unlocking the Path to Mind-Body Harmony

Welcome to the world of Ashtanga Mysore, a transformative and empowering yoga practice that combines physical postures, breath control, and meditation. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced yogi seeking to deepen your practice, Ashtanga Mysore offers a structured and personalized approach that allows you to explore the depths of your mind and body.

In this blog post, we will delve into what exactly Ashtanga Mysore is, how you can start practicing it, and the numerous benefits it brings. So let's embark on this journey together!

What is Ashtanga Mysore?
Ashtanga Mysore is a traditional style of yoga that originated in Mysore, India. It was developed by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and has gained popularity worldwide due to its unique characteristics. Unlike conventional yoga classes where everyone follows the same sequence at the same pace, in Ashtanga Mysore, each practitioner moves through an individualized sequence at their own pace.

The practice consists of six series of asanas (postures), with each series becoming progressively more challenging. Starting with Primary Series (Yoga Chikitsa) - focusing on realigning the body - practitioners gradually move towards more advanced sequences such as Intermediate Series (Nadi Shodhana) and Advanced Series A-D (Sthira Bhaga).

How do you start practicing Ashtanga Mysore? 
To begin your Ashtanga Mysore journey, it's crucial to find an experienced teacher who specializes in this style. Like Marilou, Debby and Liliana.

Start Mysore as total beginner! 
Ashtanga is best to learn in Mysore style as beginner. The teacher will teach you from the scratch starting with the Sun Salutations A and B. Progressively building up the next postures as per your capacity integrating to learn the Breath and the Bandhas. You just practice where you are at and not force anything. The teacher will help you every step of the way. It is an individualised approach. You will be guided one on one by your teacher and is like a coaching session which has a powerful impact in personal growth and development.

Practice at Your Own Pace
In Mysore-style classes, each student practices at their own pace under the watchful eye of the teacher. Beginners may only complete a few postures initially but gradually progress as they become more comfortable with the sequence.

Maintain Consistency
Consistency is key in Ashtanga Mysore practice. Aim for practicing at three to six times a week to experience noticeable improvements in strength, flexibility, and mental clarity. 

Benefits of Ashtanga Mysore

  • Physical Strength and Flexibility: Ashtanga Mysore works on every muscle group in your body, enhancing overall strength and flexibility over time. The practice includes challenging arm balances, inversions, and deep stretches that build core stability while increasing range of motion.

  • Improved Mental Focus: The synchronized movement with breath control in Ashtanga Mysore creates a meditative state of mind that improves focus and concentration both on and off the mat. The repetitive nature of the practice invites mindfulness as you move through each posture with intention.

  • Stress Relief: Regularly practicing Ashtanga Mysore helps release physical tension stored in our bodies due to stress or anxiety. The combination of physical exertion and deep breathing stimulates endorphin production, promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels.

  • Detoxification and Cleansing: The dynamic nature of Ashtanga Mysore, combined with specific breathing techniques, aids in detoxifying the body by increasing blood circulation and lymphatic flow. This process helps eliminate toxins, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.

  • Increased Self-Awareness: Ashtanga Mysore encourages self-reflection through its repetitive practice. By paying attention to your breath, alignment, and sensations within each posture, you cultivate a deep connection with yourself and develop a heightened sense of self-awareness.

Embarking on the Ashtanga Mysore journey is an invitation to explore the depths of your mind-body connection like never before. The personalized approach allows practitioners to progress at their own pace while reaping numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits along the way.

Remember that Ashtanga Mysore is not about achieving perfection but rather embracing the process itself. With patience, consistency, and guidance from a qualified teacher, you can experience profound transformation on both physical and spiritual levels.

So roll out your mat with dedication and determination as you embark on this awe-inspiring journey towards self-discovery through Ashtanga Mysore – a path that leads to harmony between mind, body, and soul. 

Every weekday Ashtanga Mysore
At Yoga Moves we offer Ashtanga Mysore on Monday to Friday from 6.30 till 8.30 in Studio ONE & on Friday from 16.30 - 18.15 in Studio HOT Central. You can enter the class anywhere within this timeframe, but best is to arrive at least 1 hour before the end.

Start with Ashtanga Mysore Class
We understand that it can be challenging to start a new way of practising therefore we created a special Class: Start with Mysore on 19 November 13.30 in Studio ONE with Marilou. You can attend with any valid class card or subscription.

Start with Mysore Card
And to get a taste of Ashtanga Mysore you can attend all Mysore Classes with our special Start with Ashtanga Mysore card: 5 Mysore classes in 14 days for € 39,-. Valid only for Mysore and the Start with Mysore Class.

Hope to see you soon!




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